Firstly my deepest apologies for this blog being stagnant for the last 12 months. After setting up my new domain, Google decided I no longer owned this blog and I couldn't log in! All fixed now and I am so happy to be writing this note to you all.
Much has happened in the last 12 months including me now being a KM Consultant with knowquestion which includes being Facilitator of the Knowledge Management Roundtable for the Strategic Industry Research Foundation (SIRF). I have also returned from a week at the KM Singapore Conference. It was excellent to see so much interest in KM in both corporate, NFP and government sectors.
The KMRt is a group of member companies based around best practise transfer and peer learning & support. It is largely for Victorian companies right now, but with it growing we will see what happens. Fantastic conversations, interesting speakers and some great projects underway right now. I'm not sure who is learning more, the members or me!
As for this blog, I am going to try something different.
It started back in 2005 as a study diary for my Master's Thesis on the cultural impact of collaboration systems. As such it has been a mix of theories, philosophies, musings, etc about the nature of KM and related topics.
Life now, is both busier and more pragmatically focused so instead of writing long articles, I am going to try a more Tumblr-style approach to web-logging my quick thoughts about some of the articles, papers and case studies I come across, as well as notes about change management, program management, culture change and complexity at work.
If you are a practitioner then I hope this will be helpful to you. If you are in academia, then this may give you a view as to what the practitioners I spend my time with are concerned about right now. Either way, please feel free to comment. Share your views, agree, disagree, add links to further information or ask me about a topic and I'll see if I can help.
As the world speeds up and business becomes increasingly global, knowledge problems are rearing their heads more than ever. We have answers. We have tools to improve sharing, decision making, risk management, implementation and governance of your company's most valuable asset, your people and their knowledge. If you need help on your KM journey, let's work together to streamline your business as it grows and changes.
A Month of Reflection
3 months ago